QHA provides this update from the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport  on the Work in Paradise program and encourages involvement so that we can achieve the best outcomes for Queensland’s tourism industry.

Work in Paradise continues to attract a lot of interest with almost 14 000 registrations to the Work in Paradise website and just over 55,000 website visits since we launched on 20 May. This registration database is very engaged and we have provided all subscribers with three news updates on preparing to apply for the Work in Paradise Incentive Scheme, accommodation and opportunities to work in remote locations.  Last week’s EDM on accommodation options had an open rate of 66%! We also had $1.7 million in advertising value generated through media stories for the launch.

We are continuing to work towards the next milestone for the program which is the opening of the Work in Paradise Incentive Scheme and the launch of the Work in Paradise jobs website on 1 July.

The website will feature tourism jobs right across Queensland, not just in those regions eligible for the incentive scheme. Representatives from Regional Tourism Organisations are part of a steering committee which will meet next week to provide feedback and input into the site.

From 25 June, tourism employers across Queensland will be able to upload jobs to the site at no cost.  We are seeking your assistance to promote this opportunity to tourism businesses in your region.  Closer to the time, we will provide you with specific details on how they can maximise, though in the meantime you are welcome to reach out to tourism businesses who are seeking staff and encourage them to upload their tourism jobs later this month.  Employers will also be able to connect directly to prospective staff, as job seekers can upload their CVs to the site at no cost.

Accommodation for workers in the regions continues to be a key issue and we are working to identify accommodation options and free up dormant accommodation. This is a state-wide issue and if you have any updates or ideas to provide around accommodation options, let me know so we can share and hopefully inspire others.

CLICK HERE for all the Work in Paradise information: