Private credit is an emerging asset class previously dominated by financial institutions and large institutional investors. Waratah Debt Capital offers investors a unique opportunity to invest in the hotel industry by taking the role of the lender.

What is commonplace in the USA, UK and most of Europe is the financing of private loans by non-bank lenders. It has historically been uncommon in Australia as our big 4 banks have dominated our domestic lending market. This market dominance is gradually being wound back as our banks face an increased regulatory burden post GFC and more recently post Royal Commission.

Waratah Debt Capital is an unlisted wholesale open ended unit trust established to attract investment capital from private investors and lend specifically to the hotel industry as a non-bank lender. We are creating an opportunity for those who wish to invest in the hotel industry a chance to do so without any personal operational risk and in a way that is of lower risk than owning a pub themselves.

The target asset of the fund is a freehold going concern hotel with proven management capability and we welcome the opportunity to lend to regional hotels. We are in due diligence on a number of transactions currently with investment available targeting 7.0% - 9.0% per annum.

Any enquiries can be directed to:
Mark Anyon
0448 681 783

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