Is your TAB training up to date?

At Tabcorp, we take compliance seriously. As one of our valued Venue Partners, you play an integral role in helping us achieve our vision as the Trusted Gambling Entertainment Company.

In early September, Tabcorp introduced a new e-learning retail compliance training program known as TAB Compliance Training.  All TAB operators MUST be up to date with their training requirements before operating TAB equipment.

What does this mean?

  • Managers must nominate new staff members for training and ensure this training is completed prior to the staff member operating TAB equipment. Visit  to nominate new staff.
  • Existing operators must complete TAB Compliance Training before their refresher due date in order to continue operating TAB equipment

Venues that fail to meet their compliance training requirements will face tougher consequences, including the shutdown of all TAB facilities until non-compliance is rectified.

For further information on TAB Compliance training  contact the Tabcorp Training Team on 1800 775 919 or