Responsible Gambling Awareness Week (RGAW) 2020 will be held from 27 July – 2 August. This year’s theme, Getting help is a safe bet, reminds people to stop, take a breath and think about their gambling – highlighting the help that is available.

This year, RGAW is particularly important

A number of your patrons will be dealing with the impacts of COVID-19, such as unemployment, financial stress, loneliness, anxiety or depression.This could place them at a heightened risk of gambling harm. For some, venue closures have provided an opportunity to take a break and start addressing their gambling problems. As RGAW approaches, I ask you to consider:

Many of you are already working closely with your local Gambling Help service to make a difference in your local community, and I thank you for your ongoing commitment to your patrons’ wellbeing. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to reach out to your local Gambling Help service and create a partnership to support people who may be struggling with their gambling. Queensland Gambling Help services not only offer free and confidential counselling, but can support you and your staff in creating safe gambling environments. Your local service can also assist patrons who want to exclude remotely from multiple venues in one process, without having to attend a venue. OLGR’s High Stakes Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) training video series is also available. The videos show how venue staff can spot the signs of a potential problem and effectively help patrons and concerned third parties.

The lead up to RGAW is the perfect opportunity for your staff to undergo refresher training on RSG and have important conversations about how you can support customers in your venue. During RGAW, we’ll be sharing messages on our Facebook page and encourage you to share these posts on your venue’s channels to raise awareness of the help available. There is also an RGAW poster and LCD screen image to download and display at your venue.

RGAW provides an opportunity to show your patrons that you are committed to prioritising customer care and minimising gambling-related harm at your venue. Responsible gambling signage is also available to display at your venue. I look forward to hearing about how responsible gambling will be promoted at your venue during RGAW and thank you for your ongoing hard work and support. Victoria Thomson Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming