The QHA is pleased to advise our representations have resulted in a reduction in the commission amount payable for sellers of gaming machine authorities as well as establishing a minimum price for each region. This will provide certainty for any hoteliers considering selling any of their authorities.

The Government has reduced the transfer fees on the sale of gaming machines authorities from 33 per cent to 15 per cent for a 12-month trial period, commencing 1 July 2022.

As part of this trial it was agreed Government would publish a minimum acceptable price for tendered authorities in each of the 3 authority regions.

In line with this, the minimum acceptable prices for the next public tender are as follows:
-              South East region;         $214,512
-              Coastal region;               $126,997
-              Western region               $17,360

These prices are based on a weighted average of previous tender results.

Despite the minimum acceptable prices, the process remains a competitive tender with authorities awarded to the highest bidders.

If you wish to take up the opportunity to sell some or all of your gaming machine authorities, you will need to make application to OLGR. Options include:

1.            Decrease the approved number of gaming machines
2.            Surrender your gaming machine licence

The Government is preparing to hold the next tender so please complete your applications as soon as possible. We can confirm that OLGR has settled the timing for the tender process with the timeline as follows:

24 August 2022 – OLGR closes the eligibility for the pool for gaming machine authorities (decrease applications to be considered for this next tender).

31 August 2022 – Courier Mail publishes notice of Tender and OLGR sends communication to all licensees (who are approved for more authorities then they have) to advise of the tender.

14 September 2022 – Tender closes.

15/16 September 2022 – Public Trustee notifies successful tenderer requesting payment within 5 working days.