Long Service Leave Calculations


FREE for QHA Members – for up to three Long Service Leave Calculations per annual year for financial QHA members (not including corporate members or partners).

SKU: N/A Category:


  • FREE for QHA Members – for up to three Long Service Leave Calculations per annual year for financial QHA members (not including corporate members or partners).
  • The above price range applies for each long service leave calculation beyond the three free per year option for QHA members, or per calculation for non-members:
      • $99 per calculation for members above the three free per year – $99 applies from the fourth and each calculation thereafter;
      • $169 per calculation for non-members from the first request (no free option);
  • Two week turn-around for each calculation, so please don’t leave your request until the last moment.
  • Expedited service available for QHA members at the cost of $205 pls GST per hour.

Additional information

Membership level

Member, Non-member