June 18 2024: Annual Liquor Fees are Due by 31 July

June 18 2024: Annual Liquor Fees are Due by 31 July

This month, the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) will send out annual fee self-assessment notices to all licensees.

Licensees are reminded how important it is to pay your annual licence fee for the 2024/25 financial year by the due date of 31 July 2024.

If the fee is not paid on or before the due date, the liquor (and gaming licence if applicable) will be automatically suspended for 28 days or until paid, and no liquor or gaming trading will be permitted. (Last year there were a number of infringement notices issued to venues who sold liquor while suspended).

If the fee remains unpaid for 28 days after the date of suspension, the liquor and gaming licences will be automatically cancelled. This will result in the operating authorities associated with the gaming machine licence automatically becoming operating authorities or entitlements of the State of Queensland.

You may need to consider changing the way you make your fee payment, due to recent changes imposed on OLGR. OLGR does not accept credit card details by email or fax, including PDF attachments.

The easiest way to pay your licence fees is through the OLGR client portal. To use the client portal you must register using your access key, which is the 8-letter key provided in your annual licence fee summary.