Join the Sunflower Program and help build access and inclusion for all.

What is the HD Sunflower Program?
Living with a Hidden Disability can make daily life more demanding for many people, but it can be difficult for others to recognise, acknowledge or understand the challenges faced. Wearing the Sunflower discreetly indicates to staff, colleagues and health professionals that the wearer (or support person with them) has a hidden disability and may need additional help or simply more time.
Where is the Program today?
The Hidden Disability Sunflower is a internationally
recognised brand spreading globally across North and South America, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East. Over 5 million sunflower products have been distributed across Retail Outlets, Councils, Educational Institutions, Healthcare Facilities, Transport Networks, Major Airports, Shopping Centres Sporting venues, Cultural Institutes, Hospitality and more.

Individuals can purchase the products online direct from Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program Australia and choose to wear them to be identified as someone needing extra time without having to ask for it or to enable access to assistance if required.
Sunflower orders are packed and fulfilled by a team at Bayley House supporting adults with intellectual disability to develop skills and experiences.

For supporting organisations
When you join the program your organisation will receive the awareness training video to upload to your learning management system and share with staff and volunteers. Your teams will have the tools to confidently approach your customers wearing the Sunflower products ensuring that they have a positive and rewarding experience when they engage with your brand.
The membership subscription also includes a starter pack of products, an online account for easy ordering, extra training resources such as our hidden disability directory, Sunflower Conversations podcast, a staff presentation and information webinars.

Members can show their support by rewarding trained staff with supporter products, listing your “Sunflower-Friendly” organisation on our map, promoting your venues and events across our website, socials and PR reaching thousands of Sunflower wearers across the country.
When you are ready, the HD Sunflower team will help you to launch and continue to support you to maintain stack of Sunflower Products to distribute at no cost to your customers who choose to wear one and Support products for trained staff.