18 March 2024: New Laws for Designated Outdoor Smoking Areas from July 1 2024

18 March 2024: New Laws for Designated Outdoor Smoking Areas from July 1 2024

The Queensland Government has introduced new laws that strengthen smoke-free protections at liquor licensed venues.These changes will affect all hotels, community clubs and casinos that provide a designated outdoor smoking area (DOSA). If your venue has a DOSA, make sure you’re up-to-date and ready for the changes which commence 1 July 2024:

  •  ​Children cannot remain in a DOSA.
    • Children visiting a venue with an adult must not spend time in a DOSA.
    • A child can only move through a DOSA to access other parts of the venue.
    • Staff that are under 18 years of age can be in a DOSA for work purposes such as to clear away glasses. Wherever possible venues should take steps to limit this activity for younger staff.
    • The licensee is responsible for ensuring that patrons are compliant with the requirement for children not to remain in a DOSA.
  • Smoke-free buffer requirements for DOSAs are extended.
    • A new smoke-free buffer is required between a DOSA and adjacent enclosed parts of the venue (previously, smoke-free buffers were only required between a DOSA and outdoor parts of the venue).
    • Smoke-free buffers can be a two-metre horizontal area, or an impervious screen at least 2.1-metres high.
    • If a wall that includes a door is being used as a buffer the door must remain closed unless it is in-use to enter or exit the DOSA.
    • If a wall that includes a window is being used as a buffer, the window must remain closed while the DOSA is being used.
    • The licensee is responsible for ensuring that smoke-free buffers are compliant.

Smoking management plan

An up-to-date smoking management plan is a legal requirement for liquor licensed venues that provide a DOSA. Licensees should update their plan to reflect how they will support compliance with the new laws at their venue.


Licensees can order free smoking signage for their venue by calling 13 QGOV (13 74 68)