11 September 2023: No Changes to Smoking in Hotels on September 1

11 September 2023: No Changes to Smoking in Hotels on September 1

Regarding the 1 September 2023 changes – please note they DO NOT apply to commercial hotel licensed premises.

The changes being implemented on 1 September 2023 in regard to outdoor eating and drinking places do not apply to DOSA’s on a commercial hotel licensed premises.

This change will affect restaurants, cafes, and any other licensees that have eating/drinking areas as described in the Bill/Act that are not covered under restrictions on specifically mentioned licence types (commercial hotel, community club etc.).

The changes that will have an impact on DOSA’s is from 1 July 2024 is that minors will not be permitted in them anymore, and you can no longer have an open door (other than opening for entry and exit) or window from an enclosed area directly into a DOSA.

The third change is that from 1 September 2024 vending machines will no longer be permitted in licensed premises for patrons to access. Cigarettes will need to be sold from behind the bar/service points and only by staff members who are over 18yrs old.

The QHA successfully removed the initial suggestion of not allowing drinking in DOSAs, in the interests of members.

The QHA will update members on the relevant changes in a timely manner.

For any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the QHA on (07) 3221 6999