23 April 2024: How the QHA’s Employment Relations Department can assist you

23 April 2024: How the QHA’s Employment Relations Department can assist you

The employment of staff can be a very complex area of your business to navigate. Like many other aspects of your business, you need professional advice to make the informed and correct decisions.

We can assist you to confidently navigate the ever-changing industrial landscape and myriad of legislation and award provisions. The QHA’s Employment Relations Department provides a broad range of services to members as part of their membership fee, however certain work is performed on a very competitive fee for service basis. Services include:

  • Assisting members with day-to-day employment matters, including the interpreting employment terms and conditions and ensuring compliance with industrial instruments.
  • Representation in Tribunals, including the Fair Work Commission, Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, State and Federal Human Rights Commissions and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Matters before these tribunals may include unfair dismissals, general protections applications, discrimination and human rights complaints and recovery of wages.
  • Training – offered both in person and online. Our training topics include on the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination awareness and how to appropriately respond to these behaviours.
  • Legislative reform education and resource development to support implementation
  • Development of wage guides following annual wage decisions
  • Employee classification and contract review
  • HR Audits
  • Enterprise Bargaining
  • Workplace Investigations
  • Annualised wage employment agreements and individual flexibility agreements.
  • Workers’ Compensation and Regulatory Reviews
  • Fair Work Ombudsman Wage Claims
  • Industrial Dispute Applications
  • Employment Contracts
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Ill health management of employees
  • HR Policy Development
  • Discipline and termination processes
  • Redundancies
  • Long service leave calculations
  • Employment advice for visa workers
  • Complaints management
  • Mediation

QHA members seeking more information or wishing to discuss a specific employment relations matter are encouraged to contact the Employment Relations Department for a confidential discussion by calling 07 3221 6999 or emailing er@qha.org.au.