21 May 2024: Annual Wage Review – 2024

21 May 2024: Annual Wage Review – 2024

 Each financial year, the Fair Work Commission (‘Commission’) reviews and sets the wage increase that will apply to all modern award wage rates, and to the national minimum wage.

The wage increase will likely be announced by the Commission in June and take effect from the first full pay period that commences on or after 1 July 2024.

Once the wage increase is announced in June, the QHA’s Employment Relations Department will send out communication on the increase via the Employment Relations Bulletin.

The QHA’s Employment Relations Department will also prepare wage guides to reflect the new modern award rates, which will be sent to members via the Employment Relations Bulletin.

If you are currently not receiving the Employment Relations Bulletin and would like to receive our communication, please contact er@qha.org.au.

QHA members seeking more information or wishing to discuss a specific employment relations matter are encouraged to contact the Employment Relations Department for a confidential discussion by calling (07) 3221 6999 or emailing er@qha.org.au.