19 February 2024: Legal under Queensland law

19 February 2024: Legal under Queensland law


As you know the Digital Licence had been available statewide since November last year. The Digital Licence app has seen significant uptake with more than 300,000 Queenslanders already downloading and using the app. That means you are highly likely to see customers using them more often in their business transactions.

To support the use and acceptance of the app, legislation was amended in 2020 making the Digital Licence App the legal equivalent of the physical licence. This means the Digital Licence can be used as a legal and legitimate form of identification under Queensland law. The relevant legislative changes can be viewed at  Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 – Queensland Legislation – Queensland Government, along with the accompanying explanatory notes Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 explanatory note.

In addition, the app’s secure onboarding process and security features ensure the Digital Licence is safe and secure, offering state of the art protection against identity theft and misuse.  Something that is front of mind for all businesses and customers.

We worked hard to ensure the Digital Licence meets the highest security standards to give you confidence on its validity enabling acceptance where evidence of identity, age or licence status is required.

We also source feedback on the use of the app, either directly via the app feedback function, online and through regular government channels to help shape improvements and better support customers and businesses in adopting this new technology.  We are pleased to see that many businesses are accepting the Digital Licence across the state, inter-state and internationally. However we have also received some feedback that some stakeholders are not accepting the Digital Licence.  When this feedback is received, we reach out directly to try and address concerns.

With this in mind, if you have any questions about accepting the Digital Licence in your business, we encourage you to reach out to Kellie McGowan, Director (Change) at Kellie.A.McGowan@tmr.qld.gov.au to raise your concerns and work through potential solutions. We encourage this to help your business continue to service customers and to enable a great customer experience for Queenslanders when using their Digital Licence in their everyday lives.

Digital Licence Team
Digital Licence Program | Customer Services, Safety and Regulation Division
Department of Transport and Main Roads