19 February 2024: AML/CTF Annual Report to Austrac Due By 31 March – Venue with 16 or more EGM’s

19 February 2024: AML/CTF Annual Report to Austrac Due By 31 March – Venue with 16 or more EGM’s

For members with 16 or more EGM’s your venue needs to ensure that your annual report to AUSTRAC regarding AML/CTF Compliance is submitted before the close date of March 31st.

The compliance report is a yearly report that includes questions about how you have met you your anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) obligations, for the previous calendar year (2023).

You can preview the questions in the 2023 compliance report to help you prepare. Go to: Preview questions in the AUSTRAC 2023 compliance report | AUSTRAC

How to submit a compliance report

Complete and submit your report on the compliance reporting page of your AUSTRAC Online account: https://www.austrac.gov.au/business/your-austrac-online-account/managing-your-austrac-online-account

  1. Log in to AUSTRAC Online:  AUSTRAC Online
  2. Go to ‘My Business’
  3. Select the plus (+) sign to see more menu options
  4. Select ‘Compliance Reports’
  5. Select ‘Open Compliance Report 2023’
  6. Complete the questions
  7. Review and submit

There are instructions in the form to help you complete it.

You can save the form as you go so you don’t need to complete it one session.

You can also access previous compliance reports you have submitted. For further assistance go to: https://www.austrac.gov.au/business/how-comply-and-report-guidance-and-resources/reporting/austrac-compliance-reports

Or contact AUSTRAC on 1300 021 037.