18 March 2024: Verifying a Patron’s Information Using the Digital Licence App

18 March 2024: Verifying a Patron’s Information Using the Digital Licence App

Licensees and staff need to be extra vigilant when verifying a patron’s identification if they are presenting their credentials through the Digital Licence app.The safest most secure way to verify a patron’s information is to use the scan function in the Digital Licence or Digital Licence Verifier app. The information in the app is protected by a range of security and privacy measures to ensure you know the information you are looking at is correct.A reminder—you cannot take possession of a patron’s mobile phone. You can request a PDF copy, or sight or scan the Digital Licence without touching their phone.If you have any doubts about the patron being at least 18 years of age, refuse entry and refuse service.Read more about using the Digital Licence app to verify patron information correctly.