17 June 2023: Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023

17 June 2023: Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023

Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023

Gambling Harm Awareness Week (GHAW) takes place this year from Monday 24 July until Sunday 30 July and is a week dedicated to increasing awareness of gambling harms and promoting safer gambling practices in licensed venues.

This year’s theme is Safer gambling, we all have a role to play. This focuses on the role and responsibilities licensees have in prioritising customers’ safety and wellbeing and their responsibility for promoting safer gambling practices.

We know that when we identify and discuss unsafe gambling practices we change lives, which is why it is so important for all licensed venues to participate in Gambling Harm Awareness Week.

To help promote Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023 and to help start a conversation with someone in your venue who may need help you can:

  • reach to your local GHS and promote the week in your venue
  • download the digital Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023 resources (LCD screens, social media tiles and website graphics)
  • order gambling help resources (brochures, takeaway cards, posters, coasters)
  • have a conversation with your staff about spotting the signs of unsafe gambling. The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation’s High stakes responsible service of gambling training videos can be a good starting point for this.