14 November 2023: People and Culture Masterclasses

14 November 2023: People and Culture Masterclasses

Master the skills for finding, hiring, and retaining staff who will boost productivity and never want to leave…

Designed specifically for owners and managers in private businesses, these two x 2-day People and Culture Masterclasses will supercharge your workforce, solve existing HR challenges, and immediately add value to your business.

Facilitated by people management and recruitment expert, Mandy Johnson  (best-selling author of Family Village Tribe and Winning the War for Talent), these dynamic face-to-face masterclasses will cover everything from finding and recruiting staff (even in tight labour markets) to retaining and building a culture that thrives.


The People and Culture Masterclasses have been designed to give leaders in People/ HR, operations and business owners in private businesses practical skills and tools to transform finding, hiring and retaining staff.

The content has been broken into two separate 2-day masterclasses; Part #1 Finding and Recruiting and Part #2 Retaining and Building Culture. The workshops run independently of each other, but most businesses find attending both programs extremely worthwhile.

Who are these masterclasses for?

If you’re in business, you’re in the “people” business. These masterclasses are designed for managers that are the people leaders in private businesses – those responsible for making decisions on recruitment, selection and retaining staff. For the best outcomes, the participant should be part of the leadership team and hold enough capacity to implement the changes required at every level of the organisation. This could be an existing leader who has an interest in people, an HR, operations or general manager, or the business owner.

Whether you’re seeking to overcome existing challenges or want to improve profitability via better people practices, the People and Culture masterclasses will help you create a long-lasting and high-performing workforce that will drive your business forward.

Program Outline

With the world of work morphing faster than businesses can keep up, these programs fast-track people’s ability to become masters in this field and make real transformational change.

PART #1 – Finding & Recruiting

Day 1

  • The changed employment marketplace, why traditional approaches aren’t working.
  • How to always attract the best people for your business.
  • Effective hiring – secret weapons for great recruitment.

Day 2

  • Effective screening – identifying people with great attitudes & a good work ethic, plus how to screen out the bad apples
  • Inspiring interviews – tools and templates to inspire people as well as screen them.
  • Unbeatable offers – ensuring great applicants sign with you.

PART #2 – Retaining & Building Culture

Day 1

  • How to build a remarkable workplace that great people never want to leave
  • First contact – improving your onboarding process.
  • Building a culture of continuous improvement.

Day 2

  • Building employee capability and high-performance teams.
  • How to develop high-performance individuals and teams to fast-track business success.
  • Create People Accelerator Action Plan
Lead Facilitator: Mandy Johnson

Mandy Johnson is a best-selling author and has ‘in-the-trenches’ experience as a start-up founder and director of global retailer, Flight Centre’s UK operation, opening a store a month. She has worked with a wide range of private companies and corporates including Virgin Australia, Teys Beef, the Australian Stockbroker’s Association, Dairy Australia, Ray White Commercial, QLD State Library and Michael Hill Jewellery. Mandy is often interviewed for her innovative business ideas on various media including Sky Business News, Qantas Radio with Alan Kohler and ABC’s Radio’s Conversation Hour.

An acclaimed facilitator and keynote speaker, her masterclasses are voted the most popular and she regularly achieves a perfect 10/10 score in participant evaluation ratings.

Mandy has been a Facilitator on the Australian Owner Manager Program for the last 7 years, teaches global Ed-X students in 193 countries and her Future of Work essay now features in the introduction of all Wiley’s Australasian high school textbooks.

Mandy is a genuine people expert with practical solutions to common people problems.

Book through the QHA Website, Call QHA (07) 3221 6999 or email training@qha.org.au